Saint George Taybeh
Web Site General Rules
Whether this is your first time online or you're a seasoned online user, we've spelled out our General Rules for you here. Generally speaking, these rules simply require respect and good manners when participating in our Message Boards, Guest Book and Group communities. Use common sense and you'll feel right at home.
Our specific General Rules are:
1) We live by words online, so we don't allow obscene, racist or sexually explicit language. We also reserve the right to remove postings that defame or insult anyone, and notes that are abusive or hateful. Any harassing notes or postings that might be construed as stalking will be deleted and made available to the proper law enforcement officials. We also reserve the right to remove notes that are off the subject or not in English or Arabic.
2) No solicitations or advertisements are allowed. Such notes add clutter and devalue conversation. This includes advertisements for your business, the latest get-rich-quick scheme, or solicitations for a charity. Unfortunately, it
is impossible to verify the validity of each and every organization that solicits donations, therefore in an effort to protect saintgeorgetaybeh.org users from fraud, we must prohibit solicitations for charities.
3)In an effort to provide a safe online experience for saintgeorgetaybeh.org Members, posting of non-saintgeorgetaybeh.org URL's or links is prohibited.
4) You may not suggest or encourage illegal activity. saintgeorgetaybeh.org will assist law enforcement officials.
5) You must have copyright ownership of all material that you post on our Message Boards, Guest Book and Group communities. No articles, recipes, song lyrics, art or graphics may be posted without the express written consent of the copyright holder.
6) You must respect the privacy of individuals. This means no posting of phone numbers, addresses, social security numbers or any other private information.
7) Good manners online means that you don't post the same note more than once. The online word for posting many times on one topic is "spamming." We don't allow that.
8) You participate at your own risk on the Message Boards, Guest Book, Group communities and in e-mail. You take responsibility for postings under your identification and use the information provided here at your own risk. saintgeorgetaybeh.org takes no responsibility for the content or opinions posted here.
9) saintgeorgetaybeh.org reserves the right to remove any postings (although it has no duty to do so).
10) By posting to any portion of saintgeorgetaybeh.org, you agree to abide by saintgeorgetaybeh.org's
Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
11) Use your common sense and have a wonderful time at saintgeorgetaybeh.org.
12) Linking to any portion of saintgeorgetaybeh.org is expressly prohibited without first obtaining permission from the Webmaster of saintgeorgetaybeh.org. You may send your request to link to saintgeorgetaybeh.org by clicking on the following e-mail linkWebmasterLinkRequest@saintgeorgetaybeh.org.